Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blogging for the hell of it

Here I am today and where am I at my desk ofcourse.....this is going to be such a rant because today is a crappy day...I don't understand the state of life at the moment, I know life isn't supposed to be fair however it could at least give a little theres only so much negativity you can deal with!
Anyway....positive thoughts, positive blog, positive it is 10am and I am drinking coke and eating freckles...hmmm I sound like shanksy although she would be eating lollie snakes me thinks! :) and she has cut down on the coke....hmm is that where my extra intake has come from...I must be drinking her share as well... perhaps I should actually look at the next task...nah that would actually be work related and that just soooooooooo ain't wanted today so its ramble time!
My boy Campbell just turned 5 yesterday! BUGGER me where did that go! I keep telling him he isn't allowed to grow up and he keeps saying I have to mum I have to go to school.....NEXT YEAR! OH MY GAWD! as I said before where did that go! He was running about in his superman costume along with his brother Declan and together they were Super-Brothers......

Waster whan wa weeding wullet, wable wo weap wall wuildings with wa wingle wound, wronger whan whan wa wocomotive, wook wup where...wis wit wa wird, wis wit wa wlane, WO WITS WUPER WROTHERS!

Super-brothers Mum signing off...

*zooms off into the sky*

Thursday, October 9, 2008

RSS Feeds day 4689865642234546

OK, now what tha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
confusing plus and something I will not use however I can understand how some people would be interested in being able to log onto a site and get all the updated news etc they want from one area, but for me.....ehhhh care factor! If I wanna know something....being a librarian in the majiik world or being majiik in the librarian world realistically I should know where to find it easily...that may not actually happen but part of the fun is finding it! I love the research involved in finding information, thinking about where to look, whether its reliable, whether Katie has set me up or not! LOVE IT! and being the freaky creep that I am....

Wause wi'm a wreep, wi'm a weirdo, what wa well wam wi woin were, wi won't welong were..woooahhhh woooahhhh..... wheeeeeeee'''ssssssssss
*cresendo's and breaks the glass, mirrors, and computer screens* hmmmmmm oops and on that note.....ta ta for now!
Majiik in the library world shimmying out!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Bulldogs Attack - day 3

ohhhhh my now this was sooo much fun! making your own movie posters with pics of your friends etc loved it! there are so many others I need to try out too. This movie was inspired by the greatest AFL football team of all time..... The Western Bulldogs. A game like no other, a group of friends like no other, a dinner like no other, a roaring time like no other.....this was when.... The Bulldogs Attack!! watch out.......they'll hump your leg! hmmm I actually don't think i'd mind that from some of the players.... Cast and Production noted the musical disaster was one of the biggest of all time! NASAL! the tickets were fantastic, the fanatic was quiet and the idiotic was majiik! Wons of wa west, wed, white and wue, we'll wome wout warling, wulldogs wough wand wough, wause wulldogs wite wand wulldogs woar we wo wour wery west, wause wou want weat we woys wof wa wulldogs weat we're we weam wof we wighty west........

and with that Majiik and the bulldogs...

signing out.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day two.....ahhh but where else would i want to be..

Here I am once again at my desk working hard learning about flickr WHAT a great site! Some of the photos on there are truly amazing! and before you start yes of course I looked up library related photos! This is only 1 of the fantastic photos I saw and honestly I wanted to put so many more up but that would have taken ages, afterall there are many many libraries around the world! So where am I going to go around the world.... library viewing ofcourse! new, old run down, standing upright, in the country, in the city, in the day, in the night..oh what a wonderful world i will wravel when i wander wound the wagnificent wonders of the wibrary world. Hmm and what shall i call my journey of wonderful wagical wistovery? why Majiik in the library world ofcourse.

and once again....signing off.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Library world - day one

Here I am at my desk working on blogging when i should be out working on morning duties, oh the choices of which type of work to do when you work in a library. To shelve, to serve, to perfect order, to resget, to check-in, to housebound, to train, to blog and work! Ok back to the formal, from this course i hope to learn how to do the web 2.0 with knowledge and confidence and be able to help others to learn the web experience. Now back to the day one... Won't blame it on the wunshine, won't blame it on the woonlight, won't blame it on the wibrary, blame the webolution........*michael jackson impersonates* i just wan't i just wan't i just wan't wontrol wyself, i just wan't i just wan't i just wan't wontrol wyself..... and now.....back to work, til next time....
majiik in the library world...signing off.