Tuesday, March 10, 2009

techno.....da....rati.....uncs uncs uncs

Well I don't mind technorati but its like everything else on the web you got to weed to get the good stuff. I did find a really good baking blog....well I found a couple actually and it could be good for a look on just to stickynose into other people lives...not that I have the time to do that...I am barely doing this webolution thing......ehh i'll get there it'll just take some concentrating not just stuffing about.... heaven forbid I actually have to work, I might strain something, wouldn't be the brain....that don't work too hard at all.....my eyeballs maybe looking at the computer screen too long...oh the pain, the light, the terror.....or maybe the wrists from typing too much....ergonomic stergonomic the pain, the arthritis, oh my gout.....katie oh woe is me the webolution will be the bane of my existence or maybe thats you...dear katie whe wun whines weast whe wun whines west wi wust wound where whe wun whines west....
Wuv Wa Watie Watie Woo Woo!!


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